TRADITIONS OF THE HEALING CHURCH is written with you in mind if you are: curious about the Orthodox Faith, a catechumen, interested in Eastern vs. Western Christianity, or seeking to share your Orthodox faith with others.
This book by Mother Katherine will cover many important topics, including:
What is the soul and how is it sick?
The nature of Orthodox tradition
The priesthood, baptism, repentance, confession, Holy Communion, and prayer
Veneration of saints, liturgical arts, pilgrimage, and the “baptizing” of culture
TRADITIONS OF THE HEALING CHURCH is based on talks presented at conferences of the Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black in Denver and Newark. We are happy to provide a free copy to anyone living within the Quad Cities’ region and wishing to become more acquainted with the traditions of Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
The best way to learn about Orthodoxy is to experience it. We encourage you to attend any of the services listed on our calendar, either in person or online. Links to the online services and classes are included in our weekly emails. The email is also a great way to learn about our local service projects and how to get involved. You can sign up for the weekly emails here.
If this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church and you are wondering what to expect, you can check out this great article called “12 Things I Wish I’d Known…”
Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America has many resources available online, including this collection of articles we think you might find interesting.
Deacon Jared also posts his sermons online as he is able. You can listen to them by clicking here or subscribing in your favorite podcast app.